

Jessica Parker: Our not-so-intrepid hero. She likes cats, trees, pumpkin pie, being a vegetarian and peeling dried Elmer's glue off her fingers. She dislikes Star Trek with an ungoldy passion. Her best friend is Sarah, the reasons for which remain a mystery to her, and she can make "glowy sheild thingies."
Sarah Woodson: Our not-so-intrepid hero's best friend. She likes steak, old comic books, martial arts, telling Jessica to be polite and poking people with pointy sticks. She loves Star Trek with an ungoldy passion. She dislikes when people slurp drinks loudly. Her best friend is Jessica, although she doesn't know why, and glowing angels pop out of her back.
Emilee Parker: Jessica's younger sister. She dislikes everything, and won't tell anyone what she likes. She is exceedingly sarcastic, and, at this point is only in the first three pages of the comic anyway, so I don't even know why I gave her a character slot.
Neil Morris: Our not-so-intrepid hero and our not-so-intrepid hero's best friend's not-so-intrepid savior. He likes Ramen noodles, DDR, his sword and singing Kareoke to the soundtrack of Rent. He dislikes Jello because he thinks food that wiggles is not fit for human consuption.
The Big Flying Eyeball Thing: Hell, your guess is as good as mine. I think I was drunk when I drew this guy anyway...
Dark Elves: WTF, mate? Elves with AK-47s? Worry not, young Padawan, all will be explained in time.
Jared Gables: A software programmer by day and an Ancient by night (or whenever the hell else he gets dragged off for this), Jared is a graduate of MIT and a Buddhist. He likes cats, cars, intelligent women and obnoxious ties that he buys off the clearance rack at JcPenney's. He dislikes children under the age of eight because they are loud and smelly, and he has the ability to heal and to cast powerful wardings.
Robin Newel: A high school dropout kicked out of his home by his father for being a "faggot," Robin lives with Serina Reynolds (a character you haven't met yet, bwaha!). He likes sliced dill pickles and peanut butter, old X-Men cartoons and dressing up in women's clothing. He dislikes the word "faggot." His powers include telekenisis and levitation.
Margaret "Elf" Reynolds: An orphan adopted by Serina Reynolds at the age of six, Elf is so called because of her extreme small size and equally extreme hyperactivity. She likes almost everyone. She'll do almost anything for a yellow Gummi Bear (she won't eat any of the other flavors), and loves anything furry. She hates the name Margaret. Her powers, though still maginally untrained, include the ability to modify the thoughts and memories of other people using a strong form of telepathy.


